rules: picture must link back to this site "skilled hunter" you may use any of the three url this site has. No changing
the pictures that's all! :)
For the people who wish to have me put up a member page for you to show how much you love hxh " more so the spiders"
send a email to with the noted things
name of site
what pictures you adopted
were you keep what you adopted
name you want on member page
that's all that's needed for now

well here it is the first one the book "skilled hunter" fiting for this site. any way this is the back of the book that's
why you see no hand on it.

ummm, well it didn't really turn out but... it's funny how i made it move in the box any way my next one i hope is better...

I did a REALLY bad job on this one XD " if you can't tell it's feitan"