Please read the rules before joining
1: You must have an anime site
2: If not in English you must tell me!
3: You must like back to the download Pbar "toolbar" page
4: NO porn or yaoi
5: If it's not a web site but a group topsite ect. you MUST tell me so i can put it in the right spot
6: Yes you may ask for more then one part of your site to be in the toolbar but IF you do this i must find a link back
to every page that you want in the toolbar
7: Your site can't be coming soon
8: Rule may chang if i find a problem
PLEASE NOTE: Your site will only be in toolbars that people download AFFTER your site is added, if you have downloaded the
toolbar before adding your site just reinstall it! Pleas give me a week to added your site before emailing me!
If you don't want to use the form then email me ok.
Email me at, please email me with the fallowing things!
1: site url
2: what you want it under
3: what lenguage it's in "not needed for english"
4: email " if you want me to email you when i have added it"
5: site name "not needed"
6: Tell me what page to look for the link back