Although only it is it does not do, the is done the which Opening, just a little it is deep the rice flour coming
You of the swelling and others starting thinking, the straw The it did, to be good the it does the truth, is it keeps
doing is the Or there is no thing no the straw to be the Will not the saddle of the it does and even how is good among
them thing Without thinking at all, floating, the word " " which starts it does The palpus it is even the can The
tte calling to you " good morning ", message leaving If you do not go out to the beginning in my to be , quite what It
was not, we would like to see to So is your exceeding which the is done to be less crowded, what it is Something
which has become the roofing way hindering Only-too-natural thing bears suddenly to to be, becoming My thing to be
better than me, as for Only you it is, it is even being understood, the palm you applied, just it is the Don't you
think? the plug it is the can tte it is it is, how useless how The either the to do To starting point to be passed
in one given beginning, the Being scooped, it tries * You and with one you and connecting It is dense,
it is with harasssing, we would like to be also because The tte speaking " good morning " and dream showing It does
and the is with the going from calling Seeing your side which has been accustomed is also the to be, the word
When like this, in the grommet plug it is visible Furthermore it does, it is not accustomed, furthermore it does,
what in you what It is not transmitted In addition the tte speaking " good morning " and dream showing When the
you can pass also today with going back and forth, I - don't you think? Is is is such a with only-too-natural thing as
for truth Tend most you see and therefore the you do not do don't you think? While the was opened the dream
which is seen it does and and others the which is not it did to it carries Merry-go-round goes

tanomi mo sinai no ni asa ha yatte kuru mado wo akete chotto fukaku shinkokyuu fukurettura no kimi omoi dasite
warau kenka shita yokujitu ha rusuden ni shippanasi daro waraiau koto nanigenai kaiwa mainichi no kurasi no naka
de dou datte ii koto nani mo kangaezuni ukande kuru kotoba "fu" to shita shunkan ga taisetu datte kimi ni "ohayou"
tte itte messeeji wo nokosite boku no ichinichi hajime ni dekakenakya marude nani mo nakatta mitai ni denwa site
kuru kimi no koe ga suki nanda bukiyou ni natte ita nani ga jama site atarimae na koto ga futoumei ni natte boku
yori mo boku no koto wo umaku aiseru no ha kimi shika inain datte wakatte kuyasikattan dake do sennyuukan tte jibun
ni mo aru ne douse dame sa nante jibaku mo sezuni furidasi ni tatte tohou ni kurete mo hajime no ippo sukuwarete
miru * kimi to kata wo kunde kimi to te wo tunaide koibito dattari tomodachi de itai kara "ohayou" tte
itte mata yume wo misete shizen na sono ikikata de ii kara sa minarete ita kimi no hen na ji mo daiji na kotoba kaku
to shinsen ni mieru sunao ni narenai sunao sa nanka ja kimi ni nanni mo tutawaranai mata "ohayou" tte itte mata yume
wo misete kyou mo genki de sugosetara ii yo ne konna ni tanjun de atarimae na koto ga hontou ha ichiban miusinaigachi
dakara ne me wo aketa mama miru yume shiranai asita he hakobu merry-go-round goes