Aug. 09, 2004: I added one new member! I got some one else who wanted to join but then DIDN'T give thier email
address so I wont add them, but i'll show you whom it is,
name = Jedidia P. Bangalisan from = none Text Box 4 = Jed
Text Box 3 = Philippines Text Box 2 = Text Box 1 = I don't have one Comment
Box 1 = It think it's much better if you add more
of Sharnaaks pictures.
If YOU want to be a member REsend your info again
July 26, 2004: new member , khanh ngoc!
I'll add the link in the main page
Hope you join :)
July 24, 2004: New back ground.. sharnaak's eyes, New side picture... well banner, New colors... For most of the stuff,
new Bg colors... Layout Updates in short.
July 23, 2004: I'm so SORRY I haven't updated this for sooooooo Long, anyway I fixed something on the main page...
And THREE new members, heh sorry for taking almost a year to post you... Oh yes I'm working on a few other things... like
a blog and quize thing, I'll go post it in links. One NEW conuter.
sept. 21, 2003: one new member, there would have been two but... some one thought this was a kuroro fanlisting.... Oh
Juily 23, 2003: joined a web rings.
July 21 2003: Updated my member page, new banner!
June 28, 2003: YEAH NEW HXH DVD!!! New layout :) like it? I thought it looked a little better then the old one.