* must like ot love sharnaak cool works too
* If you have a web site you MUST like the sharnaak fanlsting back if i do not see it with in a mouth of when you
sent in your email to join then you wont be aloud to join!
* Your site can NOT have porn
* You may use a fanlisting as you home page or fan club as long as i see you link back
* you can already be in fanlistinngs
* Your site " if you have one" does not need to be about sharnaak or even hunter x hunter
* You don't need a site
* You must send your email, name you wish to ba called, country , nick name " maybe the same as name" Icq
number " if you don't have one but don't have one"
* these are all the rules for now... they may change and new ones may get added to please take a look before you join